Sharing the uses and benefits of nickel

What is nickel?

More than simply a 5-cent coin, nickel is one of the elements on the Periodic Table. It is a silver-colored metal commonly used for plating, within alloys, and to make batteries (as well as coins). At, we want to explore why nickel might have the potential to play an important role in the future of healthcare. is a not-for-profit organization that conducts research on antimicrobial nickel.

Testing Antibacterial Properties

We have tested and compared the abilities of various metals in reducing E. coli growth. Read about our findings in Study 1 under Antimicrobial Research to learn why copper may not be the most effective alternative to steel.

Electroplating Surfaces

Nickel is commonly used for plating other metal surfaces. Our research has suggested that even an extraordinarily thin nickel coating has the potential to dramatically reduce bacteria growth. For more information, see Study 2 under Antimicrobial Research.

Constructing Air Filters

One of the main means through which pathogens are transmitted is the air we breathe. Using the concept of antimicrobial metals, we invented an air filtering device with a nickel-plated copper filter to combat this issue. Learn more in Study 3 under Antimicrobial Research.

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